Some argue that the development of gwadar would and is proving really beneficial for the locals...according to them these locals who were jobless would now be getting jobs....but what kind of jobs are you offering these people?...would it really effect their living standards?
I don't think would you feel if i snatch away your land and make you work there as a third class laboror .....same is happening in balochistan....government argues that no land is being snatched away,according to them the locals are selling off their lands thats a clever move............ according to the government these people were how did they manage to by lands?.........actually some of the government bodies distributed lands to these people....y did they do that? was done because the government wasn't allowed to sell off the lands directly to outsiders....even then the government argues that nothing was done against their will...but what do you expect from these poor people who dont have enough to feed themselves wont they sell off their lands,and that is when its of no use to them....offcourse they would....
government argues that atleast they are getting jobs..... so what if they are working like slaves on their own land.government argues that for other posts education is must...they are even right now people cant have a matrik pass as a head or c.e.o..but who should be blamed for the illetracy rate....these poor people ,when they cant afford to live,would they be able to afford educating their it is the governments fault if they are not educated.....
this is not it....even the whole sui gas thing is not in favour of balochistan.....balochistan provides gase to most of the parts of pakistan and only 4% of balochistan has access to it...though the population of only karachi is more than balochistan....
so in other words there is alot discrmination happening against balochistan....and i know the balochis feel it..and i dont think they would stay calm for long......mushi is planing to build another port in balochistan....'somiani'........i dont think this would benefit any one except a few top investors....and the emplementation would have davestating results......