Pakistan's Prime Minister Shaukat Aziz is a former private banker credited with recent reforms of his country's economy. He's done alot for our country...and what about his official trips.....just for the sake of his country ,he travels so much, to the extend that he never stays in pakistan for more then 60 days.....and so pays no tax...i m sure most of us dont know that we are required to pay tax on incomes and everything only if we stay in pakistan for more than 60 days...but shaukat aziz doest....hes done alot of other "GHAPLAS" too..no point in mentioning those ..... because we are good at discusing such issues but we dont actually do anything about them....the way i make plans to go to dubai with my frends but never end up making them happen.
You are right. Had our nation been practical, we would have not been ruled by plunderers.
Great start for a blog..
Keep it up.
btw thx 4 visiting my blog (www.muhammadfaisal.com/blog).
oh hey, no, not that I didn't want to comment or such, KESC graced me by taking away my electric for long hours..
I found this info or particular interest, where'd you get that info ?
I'll keep an eye on ur blog from now on ! :)
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