Tuesday, August 28, 2007

The best careers advice .......

"find out what you like doing best and get someone to pay you for doing it"...


Sarmad's World said...

haha your such a big cheater ... :P

Shari said...

I don't completely agree but its cool advise any way :)

Anonymous said...

someone puts a ad in local newspaper that I need a assistant to do some daily chores. He also said that he will provide food and place to live as compensation. One guy showed up and said that please tell me what i need to do because I want this job rite away. so the guy who posted ad said, "All you have to do is take this big dish (bartaan) to that langaarr because lives next to mazaar and get some food from there for both of us. I'm waiting for you on your very own chaar-paiee (bed).
I heard this joke from my folks.

Anonymous said...

someone puts a ad in local newspaper that I need a assistant to do some daily chores. He also said that he will provide food and place to live as compensation. One guy showed up and said that please tell me what i need to do because I want this job rite away. so the guy who posted ad said, "All you have to do is take this big dish (bartaan) to that langaarr because lives next to mazaar and get some food from there for both of us. I'm waiting for you on your very own chaar-paiee (bed).
I heard this joke from my folks.

افتخار اجمل بھوپال said...

Very difficult. Only way out is one has to be having a big man behind him/her.

dehog said...

haha, indeed..
I've read this one which I treasure for knowing...

Always choose the work you love to do as a career, so when you have to work, you never work at all.. !

Chirag Kantharia said...

There was a similar discussion on /., where one guy commented that, if that were true, we'll all be pornstars.