Tuesday, August 7, 2007


Imagine your sitting with your friends who are from THE CROWD and they detect some kind of movement in your hair.....something like this happened with ..not me....but yeah a friend of mine ....a few days back me and my friends we were out for lunch when i "THE DEVIL " found out that a friend of mine has loads of nits attached to her hair.....i was sitting beside her ...and the time i discovered that ..i couldnt stand it and i went like "YUUUUUUUUUK"...i couldn't take it ...i had to move away and in that state of shock i told that to evry1 who was there with us....i did feel bad later on but cant undo whats already done...

so heres a peice of advice for you guys...

please jooooain mar dawai istamal kerein.


Sana Umer said...


dehog said...

2nd advice : keep your mouth shut... izzat wizzat bhi koi cheez hoti hai ;P