Saturday, August 25, 2007

The world doesnt need...more mountains to climb...more seas to cross....more stars to shine...then what????


SHA said...

just more good people...

Tracy said...

What the world needs now
Is love, sweet love
It's the only thing
That there's just too little of!


Sidhusaaheb said...

Performance enhancing drugs, of course. What else?

Don't believe me? Well, ask the athletes...


Unknown said...

Love, Ikhlaaq and Tolerance ...

dehog said...

we already have those mountains and seas and stars, yet we still need to rid ourselves of the politicians and corrupt minded morons who think we need lass of nature and they destroy wars resource extractions and such...

Im happy the politicians haven't had a chance to visit other planets...those would've been doomed until now.

may peace prevail !


The Pakistani Spectator said...

Nice Blog Hira, Keep it up

Mohammed Firoz said...

The world doesnt need...more mountains to climb...more seas to cross or more stars to shine..wat the world need is U nd UR SmIlE...

Mohammed Firoz said...

The world doesnt need...more mountains to climb...more seas to cross or more stars to shine..wat the world need is U nd UR SmIlE...